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How Minimally invasive cardiac surgery is differ from traditional heart surgery

Instead of one large incision and severing the breastbone, the surgeon makes a series of minor incisions between the ribs. Using a sophisticated surgical gadget with a camera and other surgical equipment, the surgeon can conduct the procedure with precision.

While minimally invasive cardiac surgery is available to most patients, only you and your surgeon can determine which approach is best for your situation.

Also see:  Pediatric Heart Surgeon in Chandigarh

The following procedures can benefit from minimally invasive cardiac surgery:

  • Aortic valve repair
  • Mitral valve replacement
  • Ventricular assist device
  • Aortic valve repair
  • Tricuspid valve repair
  • Coronary bypass
  • Atrial septal repair

5 key benefits of minimally invasive cardiac surgery

 There is less pain.

Because open-heart surgery necessitates a big incision and the fracturing of the breastbone, health-care providers place a high priority on postoperative pain and discomfort management. Medication is commonly prescribed by doctors to help manage pain.

Because minimally invasive cardiac surgery avoids severing the breastbone and instead employs small incisions, patients report far less pain after the procedure.

Less scars after surgery

After open-heart surgery, you can expect to have a large scar in the middle of your chest. Patients who undergo minimally invasive cardiac surgery, on the other hand, experience less scarring and a better cosmetic outcome.

Speedy recovery

Body trauma is reduced with minimally invasive cardiac surgery. Because of the small incisions and the avoidance of piercing the breastbone, patients heal in days rather than weeks. Patients can return to work and other activities considerably faster than they can after open-heart surgery.

A shorter stay in the hospital

Patients who have minimally invasive cardiac surgery usually return home within 2-5 days, as opposed to the 8-10 days that patients who have open-heart surgery usually do.

Reduced risk of complications

The dangers of open-heart surgery include infection and bleeding. While the minimally invasive procedure carries the same dangers, the likelihood of consequences is lower.

The optimum procedure for you is determined by a variety of criteria. When making a suggestion, Dr.Ashwani bansal examines your medical history, age, and overall health. Call or book an appointment online to learn more about our clinic in Chandigarh, India

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Valve Replacement Surgery

Bypass Heart Surgeon in Chandigarh

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Minimally Invasive cardiac surgeon in Chandigarh

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