Robot-assisted heart surgery is a new and popular method of minimally invasive cardiac surgery. When a machine is used to perform surgery while the heart surgeon remains in charge. The primary advantages of minimally invasive cardiac surgery are its cost-effectiveness and the small size of the incision produced in the patient.

An incision does not have to be large enough for the doctor to place his hands inside; instead, it only needs to be three little holes for the robot’s much smaller hands to pass through, which is one of the best aspects of minimally invasive cardiac surgery.

A key benefit of minimally invasive cardiac surgery is the patient’s recovery time, which can be weeks rather than months; some people have recovered and returned to athletics in a matter of weeks.

Also see: Minimally Invasive cardiac surgeon in chandigarh

How is minimally invasive cardiac surgery different from other surgery?

In a minimally invasive cardiac surgery, the surgeon uses small incisions and technology to complete the same procedure. The surgeon is in charge of operating and controlling the machines.

Your heart surgeon may have a better view of some regions of your heart during this type of operation than during open-heart surgery. Some minimally invasive cardiac surgery treatments, like open surgery, may require temporarily stopping your heart and diverting blood flow away from it using a heart-lung bypass machine.

What is the Types of Minimally invasive cardiac surgery and how is it performed?

The minimally invasive cardiac surgeries, such as robot-assisted heart surgery and thorascopic heart surgery, are performed by a skilled surgical team. The surgeons reach your heart through small incisions between your ribs in both of these procedures.

Robot-Assisted Heart Surgery: In robot-assisted heart surgery, surgeons use robotic arms instead of their hands to repeat the identical steps of a typical open chest operation. During this procedure, the surgeon operates from a remote console, viewing your heart on a video monitor in a magnified high-definition 3-D image. The actions of your surgeon’s hands are precisely transmitted to the robotic arms on the operating table, which move in the same way as human wrists. 

At the operating table, another surgeon and the surgical team assist in changing the surgical tools attached to the robotic arms.

Thorascopic Surgery: During this procedure, your cardiac surgeon will place a long, thin tube called a thorascope through a small incision in your chest, which contains a tiny high-definition video camera. Long instruments introduced through small incisions between your ribs will be used by the surgeon to repair your heart.

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