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Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery: Everything You Need to Know

Minimally invasive cardiac surgery is used to address a wide range of heart issues. It can be used for a variety of cardiac procedures, including coronary bypass valve surgery (to repair or replace faulty heart valves) and aneurysm repair.

Mitral valve repair and replacement, tricuspid valve repair and replacement, aortic valve replacement, atrial septal defect and patent foramen ovale closure, and Atrioventricular septal defect surgery are just a few of the surgeries that may be done using it.

Also see: Pediatric Heart Surgeon in Chandigarh

What really it is?

In India, minimally invasive cardiac surgery is a relatively new type of heart surgery. It is a relatively recent and advanced coronary bypass method for the treatment of coronary heart disease. The heart is accessed from the side of the body through a short 4- 6 cm incision. This cut is made directly beneath the nipple. Without breaking any bones or separating the muscle, the chest is entered between the ribs. This makes the technique excellent for diabetics and elderly people with low infection resistance.

Who can take advantage?

Although minimally invasive cardiac surgery isn’t for everyone, it can have some advantages for those who are candidates. You’ll need to speak with your doctor, who will assess you and determine if you’re a good candidate for it. A physical examination, a review of your medical history, and tests may be performed by your doctor. He may advise you whether or not you should pursue it based on the results of the tests. Furthermore, your expert may advise that you get the operation done in a medical centre that has surgeons and a surgical team that has done it before.

How to prepare for it?

Before you decide to have the surgery, your doctor will explain what to expect before, during, and after the procedure, as well as any potential hazards. Your doctor can talk to you about any worries you have about your minimally invasive cardiac surgery. You may also need to shave your hair at the areas of your body where the treatment will be performed. Before you go to the hospital for your operation, talk to your family about how long you’ll be there and what kind of care you’ll need when you get home. When you return home, your doctor and treatment team may give you particular recommendations to follow during your recovery.

Also see:

Bypass Heart Surgery

Valve Replacement Surgery

Cardiologist in Chandigarh

Heart Specialist in Chandigarh

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