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Types of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgeries

Dr Ashwani Bansal, heart surgeons have performed minimally invasive heart surgery since the 20 years. The first surgeries of this type were mitral and aortic valve surgeries. Now, a wide range of procedures can be done using minimally invasive techniques to help make recovery faster and more comfortable.

Sometimes, minimally invasive heart surgery includes a partial sternotomy. This involves cutting through part of the breast bone. When possible, the surgeon can avoid cutting the breast bone and, instead, make one or more small incisions through the muscles between the ribs. This technique is called a mini-thoracotomy.

Robotically assisted heart surgery

Most types of robotically assisted heart surgery are used to treat patients with mitral regurgitation (leaky mitral valve). Robotically assisted heart surgery can be used for:

·         Mitral valve repair

·         Tricuspid valve repair (with mitral valve repair)

·         Ablation of atrial fibrillation (if other robotic surgery is required)

·         Atrial septal defect (ASD) repair

·         Patent foramen ovale (PFO) repair

·         Removal of cardiac tumors (Myxoma, Fibroelastoma of the mitral or tricuspid valve)

Related Links

·         What is Cardiologist Surgeon?

·         Valve Replacement Surgery

·         Heart Specialist in Chandigarh

·         Cardiologist in Chandigarh

Bypass Heart Surgeon in Chandigarh

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